Friday, 30 December 2011


An argumentative essay tries to change the reader’s mind by convincing the reader to agree with the writer’s point of view.

An argumentative essay attempts to be highly persuasive and logical. It usually assumes that the reader disagrees with the writer, but it should be noted that the reader is no less intelligent than the writer. Hence an argumentative essay should be written objectively, logically and respectfully.

When planning an argumentative essay, be aware that the essay should contain the following characteristics:
The argumentative essay introduces and explains the issue or case. The reader needs to know what the issue is going to be.

The essay offers reasons, and supports these reasons. The essay should
prove its point.
The essay, at times, refutes (proves wrong) opposing arguments.


1. Introduction
The first paragraph is the introductory paragraph. It introduces the problem and gives the background information necessary for the argument and the thesis statement.

2. Body
The body paragraphs contain the reasons. Each paragraph talks about one reason. The reason is stated in the topic sentence and is supported by supporting details or materials. These supporting materials can be either examples, statistics, personal experiences, or quotations.

3. Conclusion
The conclusion restates the main claim and presents one or two general statements which accurately summarize the arguments which support the main premise.


Aggressive Driving Should be Avoided
(1)Aggressive driving is a phenomenon, which has only recently got the public worried. (2)The National Highway Traffic Safety Council (NHTSC) defines aggressive driving as “the operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property”. (3)Actions such as running red lights, improper passing, overtaking on the left, improper lane change, failing to yield, improper turns, running stop signs, tailgaiting, careless driving and speeding are examples of aggressive driving.. (4)Such actions are dangerous to other road users. (5)Aggressive driving should be avoided because it causes crashes, injuries and fatalities.

            (6)The first reason why aggressive driving should be avoided is it causes crashes. (7)According to NHTSC between 78 percent (excessive speed) and 100 percent (improper passing) of the cases of aggressive driving resulted in traffic crashes and 96 percent of the drivers cited for “following too closely” or tailgaitng caused crashes as a result of their aggressive driving. (8)Moreover, “running red light”, “improper passing”, and “overtaking on the left” topped other categories of aggressive driving in contributing to traffic crashes.

            (9)Another reason why aggressive driving should be avoided is it causes injuries.(10) NHTSC states that the percentages of the injuries caused by aggressive driving are, in almost all categories of aggressive driving, above 100 percent. (11)Furthermore, the Department of Highway Safety (DHS) reports that this is due to the fact that each motor vehicle crash accounts for one or more injuries. (12) It was found that of the ten categories of aggressive driving, “running red light”, “failing to yield”, and “running stop signs” are the most serious factors contributing to injuries.

            (13)Yet another reason why aggressive driving should be avoided is it causes fatalities. (14)”Overtaking on the left” appears to be the most important contributing factor in traffic fatalities as it relates to aggressive driving. (15) “Improper lane change”, “running stop sign” and “running red light” rank second through four in terms of their contribution to traffic fatalities (DHS, 2008).

            (16)The above evidence shows that aggressive driving causes crashes, injuries and fatalities. (17) Hence, aggressive driving should be avoided. (18)Since the opening of the North-South Highway, the number of kilometers of roads in the country has increased by one percent while the number of vehicle miles driven has increased by 35 percent. (19) More cars and more drivers are also on the road, leading to more aggressive drivers.

]Source: Retrieved September 2009 from: Mizell, Louis. (2007). Aggressive driving, road & travel.]

The essay “Aggressive Driving Should be Avoided” is an example of an argumentative essay. It is organized in the way of an argumentative essay. (The numbers in the essay denote the sentence numbers which will be used here to identify the parts of the essay).

It starts with an introduction which offers a definition of aggressive driving (1), (2) and (3), and further explains the issue (4). Finally it ends with the premise/thesis statement which clearly states the stand taken by the writer (5).

As three reasons are stated in the premise, there are three body paragraphs; each mentioning one reason. Each paragraph starts with a topic sentence which states one of the reasons [(6), (9) and (13)]. Each of these reasons is well-supported by supporting details: (7) and (8) in the second paragraph; (10), (11) and (12) in the third paragraph; and (14) and (15) in the fourth paragraph which is the final body paragraph.

The last paragraph of the essay is the conclusion. It summarizes the three reasons stated in the premise (15). The conclusion restates the stand taken by the writer, that is, aggressive driving should be avoided (17). Sentences (18) and (19) are general statements which support the main premise. These are optional.

It should be noted that this essay uses statistics to support the main idea. This lends credibility to the argument.

In argumentative writing, you need to convince your readers to agree with your point of view or opinion. You can achieve this goal by supporting your opinions with strong evidence. A careful study of the essay “Aggressive driving should be avoided’ will reveal that the writer uses statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Council (NHTSC) and the Department of Highway Safety (DHS) – two wellrespected organizations - to lend support to his opinions. Statistics from very reliable sources as those used in the essay provide very strong evidence which can easily sway the readers to the writer’s point of view. There are different sources of evidence that can be used in argumentative essays. Besides statistics published by reliable sources, research findings, examples and opinions of experts in their fields are some of the other sources of evidence. You also can use forceful words to state your opinions. These words can make readers rethink their views about the issue being discussed. There are many examples of such words in the essay. They are:

raised public opinion (1);
dangerous to other road users (4);
should be avoided (5);
causes crashes, injuries and fatalities (5);
resulted in (7);
accounts for (11),
the most important contributing factor (14);
has increased (18); and
leading to more aggressive drivers (19).

When a topic is argumentative, it contains opposing views or opinions. There can be ideas or points for (pro) which support the issue being  discussed, or ideas or points against (con/contra) which disagree with the issue. This being the case, you should make it a point to state opinions that oppose yours. By doing this you are telling the reader that you have considered the opposing views. These opposing statements that you make should be brief. They should not be as detailed as your own views. Usually this is mentioned near the end of the essay.  The formats below can be used in the final examination. You can choose either one.

To show the reader that the opposing views are not yours, you can introduce these ideas with the following phrases:

It is believed that …
It is commonly thought that …
It is often said that …
Some people say that …
Some people think that …
Another argument against this is…
It is/has been argued that …

Once you have introduced the opposing view, using the above phrases, you have to disprove or rebut it. You must show why this opposing view cannot be accepted. If you do this, your argument will have more credibility. Some common techniques for dealing with opposing views are:
  • provide solutions to the problems raised through the opposing views,
  • point out the weaknesses that may exist in the counterarguments; and
  • make concessions to the opposing views.

Mobile Phones Should Be Banned While Driving

The risk of getting into a car accident while talking on a mobile phone while driving is growing as the number of mobile phone subscribers increases. Engaging in a phone conversation on a mobile phone while driving distracts the brain and delays reaction times which are more likely to cause drivers to swerve between lanes, slow down and miss important signs. Mobile phones should be banned while driving because they are risky.

            An Australian study conducted in 2005, estimated that the risk of a collision when using a mobile phone was four times higher than the risk when a mobile phone was not being used. 456 drivers who owned phones, were involved in crashes. By collecting these drivers’ mobile phone records, scientists determined those who made telephone calls just before the time of the crash. Case crossover analysis of mobile phone habits enabled the scientists to calculate the increase in risk. Even hands-free devices were not that safer.

            An earlier study in 2003, integrated data from questionnaires, mobile phone companies and crash records kept by the police. It found that the overall relative risk (RR) of having an accident for mobile phone users when compared to non-mobile phone users averaged 1.38 across all groups. The RR was then adjusted for kilometers driven per year and other crash exposures. When this was done RR was 1.11 for men and 1.21 for women. The study also revealed that increased mobile phone use correlated with an increase in RR.

            However, there are some objections to the call for the ban of mobile phone use while driving. According to the Associated Press, CTIA – The  Wireless Association, a mobile phone trade group in America, objected to a complete ban. Its vice-president, John Walls, is reported as saying, “ we think that you can sensibly and safely use a mobile phone to make a brief call.”

            Although there are objections, there is sufficient evidence to prove that using a mobile phone while driving is risky. Using a mobile phone while driving, taxes the cognitive skills of the brain at the expense of driving. The vast majority of drivers have no idea that using the mobile phone while driving is risky.

(Source: Retrieved September 13, 2009 from phones_and_driving). Mobile phones and driving safety.)


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