Wednesday, 28 December 2011


An exemplification essay makes use of clear examples to show or explain a point. An exemplification essay puts forward an idea clearly by giving relevant, clear and specific examples. The examples should be sufficient to explain the main ideas that you are discussing. The key to writing a successful exemplification essay lies in the examples that you give. Pay particular attention to the examples as they are the most important supporting details to exemplify your thesis statement and topic sentences.


Read the sample of an exemplification essay below.
Title: Improving my English
(1) If there is something I like to improve all the time, it is my English.
(2) I am able to use it for basic communication purposes, but I want to understand English better. (3) I want to write and speak more effectively. (4) I keep trying to improve my English in three ways. (5) I try to talk in English, read English dailies and watch English movies.
            (6) Firstly, I try to communicate with my friends in English as much as possible. (7) Although I talk to my friends in English during English language classes, I feel that it is important to use it outside the class. (8) I have enough friends who are willing to talk in English to me. (9) I use it to greet my friends, provide information, ask for information, discuss assignment topics with my friends and so on. (10) When I talk in English, I am able to use it for real life purposes.(11) I use English in a meaningful way for communication purposes.(12) I am quite lucky because my circle of friends is eager to respond in English. (13) So, talking to my friends helps me to improve my English because I practice my English in a meaningful context.
            (14) Secondly, I consistently read newspapers. (15) In the English classes, we have opportunities to read, but the time is limited. (16) Reading the newspaper helps me to improve my vocabulary in so many areas. (17) Newspapers are divided into several sections that cover a wide range of topics. (18) This includes politics, economics, trade and industry, sports, entertainment, current events, education, religion, and so on. (19) Furthermore, we are exposed to different types of writing styles in the newspaper. (20) This is because so many people contribute the reading materials that appear in the newspapers. (21) Thus, by reading, we are able to improve our language, such as our reading and writing skills. (22)
            Thirdly, I watch English movies so that I can improve my English. (23)When we watch movies, we have the opportunity to listen to native speakers of English use the language. (24) We are exposed to the language and learn how words are pronounced. (26) It gives me opportunities to see and listen how verbal communication takes place in the context of the movie. (27) I am able to guess what is being said by the actions of the actors. (28) So, movies help me a lot to improve my English, especially my spoken language.
            (29) In conclusion, I have found that there are several ways to improve my English. (30) I always try my best to make use of English, whenever I have the opportunity. (31) For me, the most important ways to learn English are by communicating with my friends, reading English dailies and watching English movies.
(Source: Retrieved from: Why should I learn English.)


The essay “Improving my English” is an example of an exemplification essay. The organization and development show the characteristics of an exemplification essay. Before you begin to write the essay, take note of all the key words in the title. Try to understand what the title wants you to do. The content of your essay should relate as closely as possible to the essay title.

The title here has three components, that is, improving, my and English. Thus, the focus on the essay should be on these three components; Improvement= betterment or moving from one level to a higher level. My specifically refers to your attempts to improve your English. English= you should talk primarily about English and not the other languages, unless you can connect it with the English language. (Note: The numbers in the essay denote the sentence numbers which will be used to identify the parts of the essay.)

The essay starts with an introduction that gives a background to the main issue in the essay. The issue is about improving the writer’s English. The writer wants to be able to understand English better, as well as write and speak more effectively. This attempt is an on going process. Words such as communication, write, read and speak give an indicator to the readers that these will be the key issues that will be discussed subsequently. The thesis statement is written in sentence (5). It informs the reader that these will be the three main points that will be discussed in each of the three paragraphs.

The second, third and fourth paragraphs belong to the body of the essay. Each paragraph shares the same pattern. The first sentence in each paragraph is the topic sentence (lines 6, 14 and 22). The topic sentence is followed by supporting details that elaborate the topic sentences. The last sentence in each of the paragraphs (paragraphs 2, 3 and 4) is the concluding statement.

The last paragraph of this essay is the concluding paragraph. It paraphrases and summarizes the essay as a whole. The conclusion restates the ways in which the writer feels helps him to improve his English. In a nutshell, the approach the writer takes is given in line

(30).The concluding sentence (line 31) restates the thesis statement in the first paragraph.


Below is another example of an exemplification essay.

Title: The Benefits of Learning English

(1). English has developed into a modern language which is spoken idely throughout the world (2) Most native speakers of English come rom Britain, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Many developing countries are investing money for their students to learn English. (3) There are three major benefits for learning English. (4) English is important for communication purposes, to gain knowledge and to develop one’s career.

(5) Firstly, English is the chosen language of international communication. (6) English has official or special status in at least seventy five countries with a total population of over two billion. (7) Speakers of English as a second language probably outnumber those who speak it as a first language. (8) It is believed that one out of four of the world's population speaks English while the demand from the other three-quarters is increasing. (9) English is used by a large number of speakers worldwide and plays an important role in international communication.

(10) Secondly, English is important to access knowledge. Many books and research articles are printed in English. (11) English is the main language of books, newspapers, airports and air-traffic control, international business and academic conferences, science, technology, diplomacy, sport, international competitions, and advertising. (12) Most scientists have to master English because they have to read as well as publish scientific articles in English. (13) Furthermore, most of the world's electronically stored information is in English. (14) A knowledge of English helps to access much information available in the printed and electronic forms.

(15) Thirdly, English language proficiency is an additional advantage that helps you to develop your career. (16) There are many professional jobs that require a good level in English. (17) For example, a good command of English is an additional advantage when you work in a multi national company. (18) Business and commerce are increasingly driven by international trade and if you are going to grow in your job you need to be able to follow this trend. (19) In addition, technical skills are essential in modern industries and you need to be able to both read and write technical English if you want to maintain your technical competence.

(20) Therefore, competence in English gives you an added advantage in fields that require English language proficiency.

(21) In conclusion, the importance of English as an international language is consistently showing positive trends. (22) The number of learners of English is growing because it is a useful language to master. (23) Amongst others, it is beneficial to learn English because of its role as a lingua franca, to access knowledge and to develop one’s career.

(Source: Retrieved from: The benefits of learning

Points to consider:

1. Understand the title of the essay and decide on the facts you know best that fit in into the title.

2. This is a very wide topic and it would be helpful to focus on the points you are going to elaborate in the body (paragraphs 2, 3 and 4) of your essay. The thesis statement should accurately inform what will be discussed in the body of the essay. In this context, the reader will expect to see something on the reasons why it is beneficial to learn English. The thesis statement mentions this in line (4).

3. Examples are the most important in the exemplary essays. The examples can be brief examples that are concrete and straightforward. Several brief examples can be given for the topic sentence in one paragraph. Examples would be sentences (5), (6) and (7). Extended examples, as the name suggests, go into greater detail. Extended examples are used to express complex ideas to elaborate on a point. For example, line (19) can be expanded to include additional details related to technical competence and reference materials on the latest technological updates in English. Some magazines and journals on technical expertise in English can be cited as examples. 4. Provide sufficient examples to put your point across. For example, in the fourth paragraph, examples are provided in sentences 15, 16, 17 and 18 to support the statement that English language proficiency is an additional advantage that helps you to develop your career (14).

5. The conclusion restates briefly the main points that have been discussed in the essay. The concluding sentence, that is, sentence (23) appears as the last sentence in the essay. It is a restatement of the thesis statement. The writer also indicates that there are other benefits in learning English through the words “amongst others” in sentence (24).

6. Linkers and transitional words are important so that the paragraphs are connected. It can be seen that the first four paragraphs are linked through the use of the words “Firstly” (Line 5), “Secondly” (Line 10) and “Thirdly” (Line 15). The link is as follows.

Firstly (Line 5) links the first paragraph with the second paragraph. Secondly (Line 10) links the second paragraph with the third paragraph. Thirdly (Line 15) links the third paragraph with the fourth paragraph.


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